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Earth. BioFuel.
Solar. Solar Energy
Water. Water Pollution


the memories

May 2008
June 2008
January 2009

Layout: paperlove♥
Brushes: moargh ; celestial-star.net
Images: all self-taken.

#Blogskin has been changed!

♥ Sunday, January 18, 2009 7:51 PM

hello! Just a post to revive this blog. :)

♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

Pics (James)
♥ Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:55 AM

Here are the pics.

Sharon, Me, Sarah and Hannah

view from above..


The light in my room


the bunch of us outside gtac

Gosh, i love the sky there.

sky again

the smoke on water part of a concert, with over 100 guitarists

as above


prettaye bird


one of the many flowers i took.

another bird

view from sustainability victoria. a really cool office!

sky at the botanical gardens

The lovely sky. :D

This really cute dog running in the sea


12 apostles

we took a helicopter!

view from the copter

as above.

Ill get more up when ive got more time on my hands.

♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

♥ Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:10 PM

YOO! hahahaha. hello everybody. Here's a little video that i made of the pictures. The song is This is Home by Switchfoot from the movie Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.



♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

♥ 9:31 PM

Hi! :D Here I am to upload some of the 500+ pictures I took on the Melbourne trip. :]

This is the park that Adrienne and I had to walk through to get to school. It is a really beautiful park, especially with the leaves falling during autumn.

While staying at my host's house, we went shopping. While we were having a break, we went to Max Brenner's. We had Suckao which is milk put over a fire and you add your own amount chocolate inside the milk. The chocolate then melts and it kinda becomes like hot chocolate. ;D Extremely yummy :D :D :D

On Sunday night, we went to the Moroccan Soup Bar. It opens at 6pm and you cannot make reservations so people actually queue up for their seats before it opens. The food there is mainly vegetables. I don't think there was actually any meat? They also served us mint tea which was very refreshing.
Adrienne(red) and her bestfriend Uylia(?).

Linda(pink) and Katherine (also known as Gu).

Uylia! She's so awesome! :)

In front of Uni High.

This arcade at Bourke Street. Its really really really uber pretty! I went there with Adrienne & her mom to buy chocolates and sweets for my brothers. Sadly, Cocoa Black was closed for renovation. :[
Okay thats all for now. I will upload some more later. :]

♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

For All The Melbourne PW People(:
♥ 4:13 PM

This is really going to all the Melbourne PW peeps(:

Super duper nice photo compilation done by our own ZJ ;D Song is This Is Home by Switchfoot from Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian(x Have a look see ;D

-O Wen(:

♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

Great leap forward
♥ Monday, June 9, 2008 9:50 AM

Hey all, sorry for the late post as ive been on a tight schedule and overseas(and still am) so i have been unable to post. haha.

I, like most of you here, have REALLY enjoyed the trip to Melbourne. Without doubt, I have learnt many different things about myself, my friends and most importantly, about the cultural differences between Melbourne and Singapore.

This trip was my third trip to Melbourne, as such, I do know abit about the cultural differences between the two countries. However, I have not yet been to a school in melbourne, so this was a new experience for me.

I learnt that having the flexibility to move out of one's comfort zone is essential to learning new skills and gaining valuable experience on this exchange trip. It was particularly wierd and hard for me as my host was a girl and she was rather tall(LAUGH!) haha. Im about 158 and she's probably 170!?!?

It did feel wierd at first but after the first day, i settled down and began to talk more to her and her family.

The invaluable experience gained from this exchange trip would indubitably be useful for one who would be going overseas to study in the future after their post-secondary education.

The first hurdle at food for me was using a fork to eat rice. It seemed impossible at first, but after a few tries, i had already gotten used to it and managed to finish everything on my plate (including the peas!).

Next was the sandwiches for lunch, im rather wierd. I dont like raw vegetables in sandwiches(subway is an exception!), my host made me a ham sandwich with a whole lot of vegetables inside. I did not want to be rude and throw the veggies away so i just put the sandwich into my mouth and munched away. After several days of eating veggies with the meat in the sandwich, i think i have gotten an acquired taste for it.

I usually dont do laundry or dishes at home. So this was a big change for me. After showering and changing out of my old set of clothes, i had to fold them and pack them back into my bag(I'm rather spoilt eh. =/) Dishes was the next one, it was rather easy as my host's family had a dishwasher(dishwashers are a godsend. really) all i had to do was give the dishes a wipe and wash them, with detergent then dump them into the dishwasher and voila. wooohooo. :D

Being responsible for my own belongings was the next hurdle. I'm not the best at looking after things. so yeah, go figure? haha. Thank God on this trip i was really careful and paid extra attention to both my belongings and those of my friends and I did not lose anything.

I learnt that I'm really blessed back home as I don't have to do all the housework and other chores like grocery shopping and the like.

Also, my host, Sarah is REALLY mature, which is in great contrast to me(haha. Dont ask how immature i am please. :D)

She does most of the cleaning around the house, cooking and even does the grocert shopping.

She is also VERY close to her parents and older sister, i think this is something worth learning from them as I dont think im as close to my family as she is to hers.

From this point of time, I've made a resolution to strengthen the bonds between my family and I. It only takes a simple goodnight hug to my parents or just simply saying goodnight to them before i go back upstairs to my room to go to bed.

I really miss melbourne and wish that the trip could span a little longer. :(

Thats all!

Im off,

God Bless,

♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥

Great leap forward
♥ Thursday, June 5, 2008 8:07 PM

I miss Melbourne lots and I'm sure many of you think the same way.

During the stay in Australia, I've learnt many things; not only about the country, the culture, but also more about the PW people, and myself!

I've learnt that I can be flexible, adapting and fitting into a whole new environment, accepting their culture and all. When I first had dinner with them, the first thing I noticed was the set of utensils on the table. It consisted only of a fork and a knife! It made me wonder how exactly are we going to eat our rice. Well, the rice was eaten, clearly, and I've gotten used to the usage of knife and fork there instead of the usual chopsticks and spoon. Also, sandwiches are what the Australians have for lunch. A big change, from what Singaporeans usually have.

It was also the time that I realised I am more independent than what I think. At home, we may just dump our clothes into the washing machine; but over there, we have to learn to pack our things orderly, to be responsible for our own belongings, making sure we don't lose them.

During the stay with my host, Hannah, I've seen for myself how close the family can be. They spend every minute they have together, and never fail to offer help to any family members that need it. I have even seen how Hannah and her sisters pluck their eyebrows for each other!
Every night, the children hug and kiss their parents before going to bed. On the other hand, most of the children in Singapore do not even hug their parents, or even say a simple goodnight!

From now on, I'll try to make it a habit to at least hug my parents and say a simple 'I love you' to them everynight, not forgetting a basic 'goodnight'.

Anyway, here are some pictures taken in Melbourne! :D

Missing Australia!


♥Another Day In MELBOURNE♥